“Not how long, but how well you have lived is the main thing.”


39 years on this planet and growing strong.

I am 32 flavors and then some…

Who am I and what is this about?

Approaching my 40th walk around the sun, here I stand - two kids and a career I love, that allows me the joy of travel. I have always been one to enjoy the freedom of the open road and whatever adventure was in front of me. As a teen, I would explore all the areas around my home and ones that were accessible thank you to a Mobil Speed Pass. HAHA. :)

My love for travel has always flourished and even more so in my adult life. So I have traveled continents and countries, seen big cities, and eaten foods with more legs than eyes. All a great thrill. So here is my piece of the world, laid out on the internet for all to see. I am not sure where this ride will lead me, but come along and let’s have some laughs as we experience the world one bite at a time!